Australian Latvians to celebrate their culture in Melbourne in December

The 56th Latvian Cultural Festival, to be held in Melbourne from 26th Dec 2016 to 1st Jan 2017 is just around the corner. Latvians Online spoke to one of the organisers, Lara Brenners, to find out what’s in store for Australian Latvians – and anyone else interested in Latvian culture – at the end of the year.

1. The first question on everyone’s lips is – who will this year’s guests from Latvia be? And will there be any other groups from overseas?
This year we have a number of guests from Latvia. Firstly we have folk dance group from Latvia – “Līgo” – with their leader, Jānis Purviņš, (organiser of countless Latvian Dance festivals, recipient of the Order of the Three Stars, choreographer of many folk dances) as well as mixed choir “Anima” from Saulkrasti, led by Laura Leontjeva un Kārlis Rūtentāls. “Anima” un “Līgo” will have separate guest concerts at the Cultural Festival. Ivars Cinkuss an Uģis Prauliņš will also be here to help produce the project “Pagānu Gadagrāmata” as well as weaver Māris Maniņš.

2. Are any official representatives from the Latvian government planning to attend the Festival?
Several invitations have been extended and we are still waiting for replies. We are hopeful on this front.

3. What is planned in terms of Latvian events in Federation Square [for those unfamiliar with Melbourne – an events/performance space in the centre of town, opposite Flinders St Station]? 
This event is planned as an exhibition of traditional song & dance where we can showcase a small excerpt of our culture to the broader Australian Public.  On the centre stage, our short performance will be broadcast onto the big screen, a free event for passersby to stop and enjoy!

4. Will all the usual KDs events be part of the programme? Choral concert, folk dancing concert, a theatre performance, etc?
Yes, the standard KDs events will all be part of the program.  These events are part of the rich history of the Cultural Festival and are important to the continuing traditions of the festival as a whole.

5. Any other events planned that haven’t been part of the programme previously?
This year we have a new event – “Pagānu Gadagrāmata”. This is a musical piece written by Uģis Praulins, directed by Ivars Cinkuss which has not been performed outside of Latvia before. Melbourne’s own koris “Daina” and male choir ” Veseris” were personally selected to perform this. We also have an Arts and Crafts exhibition planned which has not featured as part of the festival for many years.

6. Where can people get more information about the Festival?
The website is almost up and running. Here information will be readily available and constantly updated.

7. The World Latvian Economics and Innovations Forum is also scheduled in Melbourne during these dates. Can you tell me a bit about this event? Will events of both the Festival and Forum overlap?
This event was first hosted in Rīga in 2013, the second in 2015 and it was decided in 2015 that the next event should be held outside Latvia, with Australia selected as the next venue.  The forum will be held on the 29th and 30th December in conjunction with KDs.

8. Which Festival events will those who don’t speak Latvian be able to enjoy?
With two art exhibitions, sports, a youth musical performance, folk dancing, a combined choir concert, a musical (with subtitles), a comedy show, film night etc., there are many events that can be enjoyed by those who don’t speak Latvian.

9. What is the overall feeling within the Melbourne Latvian community, gearing up for the Festival (bearing in mind that it only takes place in Melbourne every six years)?
Melbourne is starting to get the KDs buzz, with many warm-up fundraising events occuring throughout the year.  The Melbourne community is exceptionally supportive of the upcoming KDs festival & looks forward to welcoming interstate visitors & overseas guests alike to its home.

10. What would you like to say to those who live interstate and are thinking of attending the Festival?
This year’s KDs is gearing up to be a big event with a lot to see and do for all people.  We have aimed to keep most of the festival events around the Latvian House hub so that a central location is maintained adding for ease of travel access for guests.

11. Why do you think the Australian Latvian Cultural Festival is still going strong – already into its 56th year?
The festival, although now held every second year, is still going strong because of an ongoing drive within the community for people to identify with their past and their culture. Many of my friends now have children of their own and are back actively in the community exposing their children to the Latvian lifestyle in all its glory.

Daina Gross is editor of Latvians Online. An Australian-Latvian she is also a migration researcher at the University of Latvia, PhD from the University of Sussex, formerly a member of the board of the World Federation of Free Latvians, author and translator/ editor/ proofreader from Latvian into English of an eclectic mix of publications of different genres.

3×3 Austrālijā – kur piedzīvot latvietības devu Adelaides kalnos

Intervija ar 3×3 2016 Adelaidē rīkotāju Mārīti Rumpi.

Lūdzu pastāsti par 3×3 Austrālijā. Kas 3×3 saieti vispār ir un kur un kuros datumos šogad saiets tiek rīkots?

Šis būs trīsdesmit trešais 3×3 Austrālijā, tātad tas ir noticis jau ilgu laiku un manuprāt tas nozīmē, ka cilvēkiem patīk un ir vajadzīga šī saulainā vasaras nedēļa, kura satikties ar latviski runājošiem draugiem un paziņām.

2016.g. saiets notiks no 2.-8.janvārim, Adelaides kalnos, Nunyara konferences centrā. Skaistā vietā, kas ir ļoti tuvu pilsētai, bet taja pašā laikā ir kalnā ar skaistu skatu. Šī 3×3 tēma būs ” Latvijas putni”. Dziedāsim, kā putni, dejosim, kā putni un izrādīsim savas krāšņās spalvas kā putni!

Kā jau mūsu pieteikuma veidlapā ir minēts 3×3 pamatā ir latviešu valoda, latviskā dzīvesziņa un zināšanas.

Esi 3×3 vadītaja šogad. Kā sanāca uzņemties šo pienākumu? Pastāsti, lūdzu, mazliet par sevi.

Pati esmu dzimusi un augusi Latvijā. Ierados Austrālijā 2005.g. novembrī. Šī gada sākumā domāju, ka mana meita Kristiāna (5.g.) ir izaugusi pietiekoši liela, lai mēs dotos uz 3×3. Jo kā jau visas mammas, kuras vēlas, lai viņu bērni runātu latviski, domāju, ka nedēļa priecīgā gaisotnē un latviskā vidē nāktu par labu latviešu valodai. Par cik pati nekad neesmu apmeklējusi 3×3 iepriekš, jo bija mazi bērni, tad ar interesi devos uz Ulda Ozoliņa rīkoto informācijas pēcpusdienu Tālavas mazaja zālē. Uldis bija ieradies kopā ar Ingu Jaksi (puse x puse) 3×3 bērnu programmas vadītāju un izstāstīja mums kā tās lietas notiek 3×3.

Tajā reizē arī tika diskutēts par labāko laiku, kad rīkot 3×3 un cik bieži rīkot. Tā gaisotne pēc šīs sanāksmes bija tāda nez vai vispār rīkos un man bija tāda sajūta – nu kā tad tā, es beidzot sataisījos un nebūs 3×3! Uldis mēģināja pierunāt vairākus cilvēkus rīkot saietu, bet kaut kā tas nevedās…

Tad nu domāju, kas neriskē, tas nevinnē. Ja gribu savai meitai 3×3, tad laikam jāpiekrīt un jādara kaut kas lietas labā. Tā nu es esmu šeit un tagad. Protams, tas viss nenotiktu, bez konsultācijām no ļoti zinošiem 3×3 vadītājiem un dalībniekiem Anda un Rudītes Bērziņiem, paša Ulda Ozoliņa, iepriekšējā 3×3 Sidnejā komandas atbalsta un Latvijas Kultūras Ministrijas atbalsta, kas ļoti izpalīdzēja finansiāli, lai mēs varētu saglabāt pēc iespējas zemākas cenas dalībniekiem.

Kādus lektorus šogad varam sagaidīt? Vai būs arī vieslektori no Latvijas?

3×3 var lepoties ar ļoti zinošiem un gudriem lektoriem gan no Latvijas gan Austrālijas. No Latvijas ieradīsies folkloriste un saemas deputāte Janīna Kursīte, kura zinās stāstīt gan par jaunumiem politikā gan vadīs savu ievirzi par folkloru.

Būs arī Ventiņ zāļu sieva Līga Reitere, kurai arī tiks atvēlēts laiks ievirzei. Tajā viņa stāstīs par labumiem (tējām, garšaugiem utt.), kurus varam atrast dabā, mācīs pīt zāļu kroņus (varbūt no eikaliptiem!)  un konsultēs interesentus tautastērpu valkāšanā un darināšanā. Kā arī var novadīt kādu glītrakstīšanas stundu.

Būs arī divas dziedātājas no “Latviešu Balsīm” Laura Jēkabsone un Zane Stafecka, kuras mēģinās atrast apslēptos talantus un nospodrināt jau esošo talantu dziedāšanas prasmes.

Protams nevar aizmirst mūsu pašu Austrālijas lektorus, kuri ir ne mazāk spoži un zinoši savā jomā. Tātad piedalīsies Ilze Švarcs, kura stāstīs par “Latviesu rotu vēsturi”, Arnis Gross ar referātu “Pastāvēs, kas digitalizēsies” rādīs jaunākos atklājumus datorpasaulē, kurus var lietot latviešu valodā. Daina Gross pastāstīs par PBLA latviešu valodas, kultūras un vēstures tālmācības projektu, Ilga Vēvere “Cilvēka ķermeņa valoda” būšot nopietni un nenopietni stāstījumi un piemēri par to kā mēs kustamies.

Kādas nodarbības paredzētas – rokdarbu, nopietnāka rakstura?

Rokdarbi mums ļoti nopietni šogad. Vizma Boag vadīs šūšanas ievirzi un vedīs uz 3×3 īstas šujmašīnas un dāmas varēs šūt somiņas un citus aksesuārus ar mūsu 3×3 tēmas “Latvijas putni” simboliem. Anda Banikos vadīs “lino-cut” ievirzi, kur būs jāstrādā ar linoleju, krāsām un speciāliem amatrīkiem un varēs taisīt skaistas apsveikumu kartītes. Būs arī adīšanas puduris Agneses Dombrovskas vadībā, kur varēs papļāpāt pēc garās dienas un tajā pašā laikā kaut ko uzmeistarot ar pirkstiņiem un adāmadatām. Būs arī “Tai čī” vingrošana Pētera Strazda vadībā, sports, muzicēšana, runāsim pareizi nodarbības.

Ko lai dara, ja kāds uz 3×3 nevar tikt uz visu laiku? Vai pastāv iespēja atbraukt uz dienu, divām?

Būsim priecīgi Jūs uzņemt arī uz pāris dienām. Vienīgi arī tad ir jāpiesakās laicīgi (vismaz 3 dienas iepriekš), lai Jūs nepaliktu bez pusdienām vai vakariņām. Var aizpildīt parasto pieteikšanās veidlapu un norādīt no kura līdz kuram datumam Jūs būsiet un cikos ieradīsieties un dosieties prom.

Vai bērniem arī būs nodarbības?

Jā, bērniem būs pašiem sava programma Ingas Jakses vadībā. Bērni dziedās, dejos, sportos un veidos dažādus pirkstiņdarbus. Lūgsim arī vecākus vai vecvecākus talkā, lai palīdz bērniem un mazbērniem, lai būtu interesantāk un jautrāk.

Kas paredzēts vakaros?

Vakara programā būs danču vakars Līgas Reiteres vadībā, šķēršļu gājiens Anda un Rudītes Bērziņu pārziņā, Lauras Jēkabsones un Zanes Stafeckas rīkoti “Dziesmu kari”, Viktorīna, ko piedāvās Karīna Jaunalksne, kā arī kādā no vakariem pie mums viesosies “Latviešu balsis” dzelteno tērpu kolekcijas māksliniece Edīte Treija un pastastīs par to kā tapa šie tērpi. Būs arī Siksnu pāra rīkots vakars, kurā ieskatīsimies un ieklausīsimies “Aspāzijas dzīvē un dzejā”. Tātad programma solās būt ļoti daudzpusīga.

Vai šogad 3×3 būs kādi jauninājumi, kas nav bijuši agrāk?

Kā jaunums šogad būs nodarbības angļu valodā tiem cittautiešiem, kuri ir ieprecējušies latviešos. Ievirzi vadīs Uldis Ozoliņš,  kā arī viņi varēs mācīties latviešu valodu Andas Banikos vadībā.

Vai vēl var pieteikties uz 3×3?

Jā, esam pagarinājuši pēdējo pieteikšanās dienu, līdz 15.decembrim – tātad droši varat pieteikties.
Pieteikšanās veidlapas var lejuplādēt no 3×3  mājas lapas, vai arī varu nosūtīt Jums pa pastu.
Nekautrējaties un zvaniet vai rakstiet Mārītei Rumpei: e-pasts vai mob tel: 0431056045

Daina Gross is editor of Latvians Online. An Australian-Latvian she is also a migration researcher at the University of Latvia, PhD from the University of Sussex, formerly a member of the board of the World Federation of Free Latvians, author and translator/ editor/ proofreader from Latvian into English of an eclectic mix of publications of different genres.

Latvian Youth Festival (JDs) in Adelaide – interview with Anita Butcher

First, for those who don’t know much about “Jaunatnes dienas” – what’s this festival all about and what can one expect to experience at this Festival?

The 34th Jaunatnes Dienas festival (JD’s), is a youth festival taking place in Adelaide, South Australia this month. The festival promotes Latvian culture and is all about Latvian youth from around Australia coming together and sharing their heritage. It is a celebration of all things Latvian, including singing, dancing, performances, food, drinks and good company.

How often does the Festival take place?

The festival takes place every two years.

Is it only a youth festival – or will the “oldies” be able to enjoy the events as well?

Although it is labelled a youth festival, the Jaunatnes Dienas are for everyone! A lot of the performances will be featuring youth and are a great opportunity for the older generations to come and see the next wave of Australian Latvians continue their culture. We also have a variety of events to suit all ages.

What is this year’s theme?

This year’s theme is the horse. References to the horse, it’s strength, courage and power are quite common in Latvian folk culture, and so that is why we have gone with it as our theme.

Will there be any guests from Latvia this year?

We are fortunate enough to have the Latvian singing group, ‘Latvian Voices’ joining us as special guests at JD’s this year. They will be serenading us throughout the festival.

What events do you have planned for the Festival? Please share some of the highlights.

There is a full program planned for the festival this year! Just a few highlights include the folk dancing concert at Scott Theatre, which will showcase the Latvian folk dancing groups from around Australia; the Latvian Voices concert; and the Youth Choir performance.

Will there be any new events that have not been part ofthe festival before? Or possibly a different approach to an event?

The jauniešu koris is a new concept that will bring together Latvian youth choirs from around Australia, to perform as one. Under the direction of Anita Laurs, we have all been rehearsing the same songs in our respective cities, so that we can combine for the performance. Another new event, ‘Zem zvaigžņu segas’ will be run this year, which will be a great chance for the Latvian youth from around Australia to meet up and socialise. If you want to find out more, you’ll just have to come and see for yourself!

You are on the Festival Commitee. What is your role? Why did you decide to become one of the organisers?

I am responsible for organising the New Year’s Eve ball to celebrate the end of the festival. I was also the key organiser for our fundraiser which was ‘Euroquiz’, a quiz night based around Eurovision, in May. I decided to become part of the organising committee as soon as I heard the festival would be taking place in Adelaide. I think it is a great opportunity for the Latvian youth to show that we can continue to share our Latvian culture, for many generations to come. I also decided to join the committee because the Latvian youth of Adelaide have a great sense of community. We all do lots of different things to contribute all year round, and I definitely didn’t want to miss out on being part of such a great festival!

What draws you to Latvian activities and what meaning do they have for you personally?

I continue to involve myself in Latvian activities because for me, they are a way of representing my identity, who I am. Being born in Latvia to a Latvian mother and Australian father, I often find myself trying to find the best possible balance of both cultures. However, as the Latvian culture is so rich and unique, with so many opportunities to get involved, I find myself doing lots of activities so that I can be a part of the Latvian community. This includes folk dancing, singing in the youth choir, and teaching at our Latvian school, among many other things. I love the way Latvians bond, and have become my great big family, both in the local Adelaide Latvian community, and the wider international community that we are all a part of as Latvians.

What are you looking forward to the most?

This is a tough question! I am really looking forward to all of the different events that JDs has to offer this year, but most of all I am looking forward to catching up with my Latvian friends from all around Australia and hearing their thoughts about our 34th Latvian Youth Festival.

See the Jaunatnes dienas (Latvian Youth Festival) website for more details.

Daina Gross is editor of Latvians Online. An Australian-Latvian she is also a migration researcher at the University of Latvia, PhD from the University of Sussex, formerly a member of the board of the World Federation of Free Latvians, author and translator/ editor/ proofreader from Latvian into English of an eclectic mix of publications of different genres.