Latvian President Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga plans to visit both coasts of the United States during early April, including attending a conference devoted to the most influential women in the world.
The trip is to begin in New York, where Vīķe-Freiberga will attend the conference hosted by Forbes magazine, Aiva Rozenberga, the president’s press secretary, told Latvians Online. The president is scheduled to speak during the conference, the 7th Annual Forbes Executive Women’s Forum, which is set April 4-5 in the Palace Hotel in New York City.
Vīķe-Freiberga then travels to California where, among other activities, she is scheduled to meet April 9 with members of the Latvian community in San Francisco.
She returns to the East Coast where she is scheduled to speak at Harvard University in Massachusetts and meet with Michael E. Porter, Bishop William Lawrence university professor in the Harvard Business School.
Other business-related meetings during the U.S. trip also may be scheduled, Rozenberga said, but details are still being worked out.
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